MacGyver Action Figure

These were only produced in Brazil, and they only made ONE figure in the series: MacGyver. They were right next to the G.I.Joes. A rack for all the different Joes, and a same size rack with ONLY MacGyvers.  They LOVE MacGyver in Brazil, even more than soccer. Kids begged for 2nd and 3rd MacGyvers, so that they could create MORE MacGyverness in there adventures. Adults bought quadruples: one for the dashboard in their car, one for their fireplace mantle, one to guard the salt and pepper on the kitchen table, and one for the medicine chest to wish them “Bons Sonhos” before they go to bed.


Macguyver Action Figure 1


“Bons Sonhos” means Good Dreams in Portuguese, the main language spoken in Brazil.


Macguyver Action Figure 7


This might be the plainest figure ever made!  He could just be a guy heading over to the supermarket.


Macguyver Action Figure 6


Yes, they only made MacGyver, but they made sure to make tons of vehicles for him to crash and drive over cliffs. There’s MacGyver in the middle of it all trying to figure out what happened to all the other people.


Macguyver Action Figure 8


I saw some of the spoof MacGruber once but it just seemed like it was almost the same as MacGyver.


Macguyver Action Figure 2


Look at that pelvis!  MacGyver don’t need no belt, son!


Macguyver Action Figure 3


Such knees!  Such expressionless shoes!


Macguyver Action Figure 4


I’m loving how lovingly rendered this is.


Macguyver Action Figure 5

Model Rail Road Conductors

Being a Model Rail Road Conductor is hard work. It takes a specific breed of person. Just ask one. They’ll tell you 50 things that could go wrong before you can finish your question.
What if someone doesn’t know what scale a set is in?
What if an infant refers to the railroad as “Choo-Choos”?
What happens if one of the trains forgets to keep going in a circle?
What if someone takes a photo using a flash?
What if there’s a black out?
Now that’s a lot of stress to deal with. That might explain all the coffee and potato chips these guys go through.
model railroad conductors