Funny Papers

I found this insane lot of Sunday Funnies on sale today at this lovely little website called  They want 12K for it, but you can make an offer.  If I only had that kind of dough: I could make PIRATE HATS for half of New York City!


Comic Strip Lot Lead


Anyway, I thought these piles were laid out kinda nicely and insane.  After looking at it all for awhile, I decided that when I become President, I’m going to make our currency look more like comic books.  The current administration should just go for it.  Make money go the way of stamps.  Have it look cool, and have jokes on it.  That way maybe people will stop taking it so goddamn seriously.




Comic Strips From EBAY - ads


Comic Strips From EBAY - flash


Comic Strips From EBAY - Gas Alley


Comic Strips From EBAY - jeep


Comic Strips From EBAY - misc small strips

One thought on “Funny Papers

  1. $12,000 is a pretty penny for one dude to shell out on comics.
    HOWEVER, if all the followers of the shlog each chipped in, then maybe pirate hats are in order..

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