Air Shaft

The Air Shaft on top of the Metro Mall in Middle Village Queens is a great listener. If I ever have a problem that I don’t feel comfortable talking to my therapist about, I come to see Sanderson the Airshaft. My therapist, Bill,  the Snowman that lives in my fridge, usually has tons of great advice, but when I actually start bitching about him (e.g. how he’s a big ham, or a mic hog when we do karaoke, or just plain cold-hearted) he doesn’t know how to handle it. It’s called PROFESSIONALISM, Bill.  You’re my therapist. You’re supposed to help me with all my problems, even when you’re my problem.  The other thing I like about Sanderson is that he smells like hot-dogs, cause he’s helping to keep the Mall’s Nathans franchise well ventilated.  Lets all give it up to Sanderson!
Bill and Me.

4 thoughts on “Air Shaft

  1. I refuse to partake in karaoke anymore. Not ever since Mr. Parfenix sang the theme to “The Odd Couple” (a song without lyrics), except that it sounded more like an even shittier rendition of “Bela Legosi is Dead”.
    Never again.

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