Tin Fish (or "Driving Around In a Tin Can")

This Tin Fish car reminds me of my brother-in-law who drives around in a CAN,
delivering day old bread to all the cheapos in the city.  Parfenix & Sudsy have a particular arrangement 

with my brother-in-law that I’ve chosen to look the other way about:
At the end of the delivery route, Suds vacuums up the leftover crumbs
(he claims it “calms his soul”) and empties the bag down Mr. P’s beak.
In exchange, he gets all 
the quarters from the laundry machine in the basement.
This is actually the first time I’m admitting my knowledge of this embarrassment…
It’s like Bill the Snowman told me, “Rat’s can be brutally honest, but they also can be lost in denial”.
That advice cost me $50 of Frankie’s Money! (a bargain?)

2 thoughts on “Tin Fish (or "Driving Around In a Tin Can")

  1. Convenient that you should exclude YOUR participation in the “particular arrangement” as you call it. We all know that because you set up the arrangement, your “brother-in-law” (you rats have got to stop referring to all other rats as this) tips you a pizza for every vacuum session; Parfenix seems to shit on everybody in this apartment but you (actually you must have something else on him for this); and Sudsy gives you ALL the quarters from the laundry coin-ops because he thinks they’re just strange “slices of metal”. He only deals in gold bricks, dubloons, and those “trinkets” that bought Manhattan. Come on, Rubbish. Anybody who knows Sudsers, knows that.

    Also, this fish-shaped can reminds ME of my fish-can collection, particularly my sardine can collection which I keep in the can room which houses all my cans plus lists of all the cans I want, which are kept in lovely vintage half-size looseleaf binders that I found in Bayside, Queens: where dreams really do come true. CAN you believe it? I CAN.

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