Here is a wonderful voicemail from one of our adoring fans, ADAM VASQUEZ. He watches Frankie’s Apartment on CAN TV in Chicago. Apparently he’s found that mangy cat who used to hang out by the dumpsters behind our building. If I knew Puddles was from Chicago, I would have listened to him talk more often… I do love me some Chee-Ca-Goh accent!
Original shlogpost from over 2 years ago:
The current exchange rate of 250 Pesos is $19.02 USD (Our fans have never been good with money!)
Category Archives: FANS
Frankie’s Apartment: Fan Pumpkins!!
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Pecos Bill, a regular commenter on this blog has a son. This is Pecos Bill Junior aka Louis Jr., wearing one of my old Kid America Club t-shirts. Props to Jr. for the J-Crew catalog mousepad. |
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How come nobody ever makes an unripe, green jack-o-lantern? That’s another good character for the show. He/she could be really juvenile and under-developed. |
More on Pecos Bill in a bit…
Fan Art: Wyatt’s Pizza Drawing
Surf’s Up
The Illest Face Team on the Planet
People in My Neighborhood: Angela
Angela has always been known as outspoken. Today when I ran into her she wanted to talk about the future. She expressed that although she doesn’t believe that we’ll be able to “teleport to the beach” anytime soon, she does think that doors will be able to be unlocked by “breath analysis” in only a year or a year and a half. Breath analysis, is, like, well — there will be some sort of gizmo that you breathe on near the doorbell and then the door will say, “Welcome home, Angela. Come right in.”
Angela is so great. I love her jeans and her easy manner. She always tells me how “real” I am, which always makes me feel better because Sudsy is always calling me a phony.