Author Archives: Frankie
PROPER Easter Bunny and BONUS Bootleg Mickey Mouse!
This is Liz. She is “friends” with Mr. Parfenix. She is the only person Mr. Parfenix doesn’t say anything bad about. I can see why! She obviously knows one of the best Easter Bunnies in the business.
Look at this Easter Bunny’s EYES! Genius! You can either accept the Mickey Mouse “pac-man” eye design on the screens or you can look at the crazy human eyes underneath! I can stare at this for hours. I did stare at this for hours.
Nice housedress too.
AND A SUPER BONUS: a combo vintage lap-photo and PINBACK! With: an insane knock-off Mickey Mouse! Liz knows all the good mascots!
Some Sixth Borough shit if I ever saw it. Best part: Mickey’s gloved hand on her arm. And look at that satin shirt he’s wearing. Thanks for the submission Liz!
Cabbage Patch Bunny
Khaki Bunny
Taking wearing tan pants to new levels. I appreciate a non-white Bunny, I have to say. His dinner gloves are on point as well, as is his killer bullshit backdrop. (Bullshit being the adjective of the day) The little girl’s prison outfit is probably the best thing here.
Dead Stare Bunny. Don’t bite your lip for a photo, it makes you look retarded!
Old Navy Bunny
This one isn’t so bad but it’s totally saved by the bullshit kid in the Old Navy shirt missing his two fronts. The plaid vest on EB is OK too.
I wanna thing the rabbit is a purplish grey but I bet he’s just grey. I’m almost positive the orange balloons behind them are clustered together to form giant carrots.
1989 Bunny
E. Wabbit
Upstaged Again Santa
Nothing is better than a kid crying on Santa’s lap. It’s the ultimate in putting Christmas (and life) in perspective. It takes the sting out of the greed and commercialism, it plays well in showing off the prisonlike quality of a department store or a bank, and it’s an unlearned emotional tradition. Plus, it’s just so funny when the kids crack. I love how so many parents just don’t think about it, they bring the kids over, and it’s supposed to be nice — but a sharp kid is always like — GET ME OUT OF HERE.
I wish kids had the same reaction when watching Elmo. Elmo ruined Sesame Street. I don’t care about the stuff that happened with the puppeteer recently, I’m saying when Elmo was introduced it equaled a LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR on Sesame Street, which is sad.