Best of Signs

Bag.  Props to the hand style.  Delaware.


Sign - BAG


Jamaica, Q.


Oil Change


Ravenswood.  The happiness, for one.  The hands are GREAT.  Keep on Truckin’ legs.  But that weird stomach bundle is probably the best part.


Laundromat Sign




Contaminated Area


Greenpoint.  Fly stencil.


Sign - Rocky Aluminum Siding


1st Ave. Manhattan.


Sneakers and Sportswear Sign


Broadway in Astoria.


Marilyn Monroe Dave's Shoes




Sign - No Rollerblading


North Bronx.


SIGN - Lobster On Sale


Ozone Park.  Is this what spike Lee was talking about?


Do The Right Thing Poop Sign


West Side, Manhattan.


Clay Pots


Fuzzy Area Between Greenpoint and LIC.


Sign - Curb Your Dog

Gangs: The Gasmask Girls

The Gasmask Girls were so into smoking cigarettes that they had constantly burning tobacco rigged into these old gasmasks.  They struck terror up and down Sorgum Ave. until the Emphysema Boys showed ‘em what time it was.


Gas mask Girls


They had really good taste in music, though. They always won the annual Zaghaven Talent Show, when they would finally remove their masks and sing a doo-wap rendition of Somewhere Over The Rainbow.


Gasmask Girls - Medium


That’s Deenie and Lourdes. Deenie stuck a lit match in her little brother’s ear, then did it again and again until she was sure she’d broken it. Lourdes just watched as her 6th grade camp councilor fell of the back of sailboat, hit his head, and drowned.


Gasmask Girls - Left CU


Esther and Barb. Esther convinced her little sister that she was part tree. Thank God they dug the little dummy up before her heart stopped. Barb made a lovely soup using the family parakeets.


Gasmask Girls - Top CU


Trixie and Patty.  They were the worst. Trixie carved her initials into every single guy she ever made out with and ate all the scabs.


Gasmask Girls - Right CU


But Patty, she was the don. While slowly poisoning her parents by sneaking bits of wild mushrooms from her backyard into their oatmeal, she slowly convinced them that she’d never existed. The story goes that, after putting them through an excruciating 3 years of pain and delusion, when she finally had them near-dead in their beds, she just evaporated into thin air. Some people say that she was never real and that her parents had forced her into being using witchcraft, voodoo, and some magic beans. In support of this there is no record of her being born at Zaghaven General, and there are no aunts, uncles, or grandparents to ask about the birth.

Everyone does remember the summer when she killed all the dogs in Zaghaven, and when she burned down the day camp, and when she went on a graffiti binge in 1955.  There was’t a wall that didn’t say FUCK YOU on it.


Gasmask Girls - PATTY CU


Beyond Motrin

Beyond Motrin exists a pharmacy willing to go the extra mile in helping to treat the diseases other medical professionals consider to be “skippy-doo” or “not diseases”.  Take a zipline to the Sixth Borough today and visit the Zaghaven Pharmacy.  Not only is it old school, the pharmacist is mad old. If you’re going, be sure to eat a quart of ice cream. Eat it up fast, like a little pig, so that you get brain freeze, aka AN ICE CREAM HEADACHE. Man I get one of these every time I eat ice cream, which in the summer is every fifteen minutes. And that means my brain is always killing me.


Zaghaven Pharmacy


Not to worry! At Zaghaven Pharmacy you can get these over-the-counter Ice Cream Pills. Some people say they work just as well as waiting for the Ice Cream Headache to wear off on its own but I say that the yellow ones taste like BANANA!


Ice Cream Pills

La Cholla: Best Store In The Borough

La Cholla has it all.


La Cholla Fruit Side View




99¢ Store Dinner - Other Angle WIDE


Families eating dinner.


99¢ Store Dinner


Sombrero/Volleyball Combination Deals.


99£ Store Dinner - Sombrero Volleyball


Lotto.  Mad Lotto.


Lotto Ticket Pile


Old candy rack. Hey I like old rotten candy. It has that gourmet feel to it. Like Blue Cheese.


Whitestone Stationery - Lifesavers Stand


Stylish Sunglasses.


Nice Rack


A decent selection of books.  Especially, “Whatever Happens to KITTENS?”


Books at Whitestone Stationery


Nuts.  Some Hot, some Fresh.


Hot Fresh Nuts


Some stuff costs 5¢.  Honeycove Bears are 30¢.


5¢ and 30¢ at Whitestone Stationery


They have swords.  Rubbish bought the King’s Sword.


King Sword


The Used Crutches section is a straight up bargain.


Used Crutches


More Bustelo than you could ever dream about.


Cafe Bustelo TOWER


They had a modest little Halloween section.  Harem seems like a not-good costume for a little girl.


Harem Costume


Or a big girl for that matter.  What are you for Halloween, ma’am?  “I am Harem!”


Harem Costume - Medium CU


Squeezey boob balls.


Box of Boobs


They had the old Matchbox display.


Matchbox Display


In the back they this tremendously impressive selection of 2 dollar sneakers.  They smelled like gasoline.




Countless treasures in the back-back.


Whitestone Stationery Aisle


What a place! They accept trades and sell 25¢ dixie cups of Tang. They also have performances on Thursday nights.


99¢ Store Dinner - Other Angle

Seth, the Welcome Mat

Welcome Mat


All the other Welcome Mats in the city don’t rock the boat. They take the name of their “father” (inventor Matt Feldspar) and they lay on the floor like they’re supposed to. They keep themselves fit and clean and put on a good show. Dead fish, I call them! They don’t know the meaning of the word WELCOME (as in, “WELL? What are you waiting for? COME on on in!!”).


Not Seth! Even when he was just a teeny tiny baby welcome mat, he prayed for cockroaches to cross his threshold. The only good Welcome Mat is one that’s worn and filthy.  Sadly, that greatness comes at a cost. Seth is totally brain damaged from all that wiping and getting stepped on. He dribbles milk when he eats his cereal in the morning and he always wonders why he is on the television program he is watching when he watches “Friends” (but I guess Chandler is a dead ringer for Seth).  On the bright side he is getting married to Pamela, the dirt-black splotch of old bubblegum on the concrete that is about 12 inches off camera, to the right. Pamela’s pretty stupid too, but she was always a dipshit, even when she was just a brand-new 14-inch strip of Bubble Tape.


Welcome Mat CU