La Cholla: Best Store In The Borough

La Cholla has it all.


La Cholla Fruit Side View




99¢ Store Dinner - Other Angle WIDE


Families eating dinner.


99¢ Store Dinner


Sombrero/Volleyball Combination Deals.


99£ Store Dinner - Sombrero Volleyball


Lotto.  Mad Lotto.


Lotto Ticket Pile


Old candy rack. Hey I like old rotten candy. It has that gourmet feel to it. Like Blue Cheese.


Whitestone Stationery - Lifesavers Stand


Stylish Sunglasses.


Nice Rack


A decent selection of books.  Especially, “Whatever Happens to KITTENS?”


Books at Whitestone Stationery


Nuts.  Some Hot, some Fresh.


Hot Fresh Nuts


Some stuff costs 5¢.  Honeycove Bears are 30¢.


5¢ and 30¢ at Whitestone Stationery


They have swords.  Rubbish bought the King’s Sword.


King Sword


The Used Crutches section is a straight up bargain.


Used Crutches


More Bustelo than you could ever dream about.


Cafe Bustelo TOWER


They had a modest little Halloween section.  Harem seems like a not-good costume for a little girl.


Harem Costume


Or a big girl for that matter.  What are you for Halloween, ma’am?  “I am Harem!”


Harem Costume - Medium CU


Squeezey boob balls.


Box of Boobs


They had the old Matchbox display.


Matchbox Display


In the back they this tremendously impressive selection of 2 dollar sneakers.  They smelled like gasoline.




Countless treasures in the back-back.


Whitestone Stationery Aisle


What a place! They accept trades and sell 25¢ dixie cups of Tang. They also have performances on Thursday nights.


99¢ Store Dinner - Other Angle

One thought on “La Cholla: Best Store In The Borough

  1. It surprises me that there wasn’t a pornography section.

    Also those $2 kicks are made of a type of plastic that dissolves over time, hence the stench of gasoline. Not unlike dry ice, (Which is made up of carbod dioxide and not water), it slowly dissolves into the atmosphere. There should be an active ventilation system, (Them plastic fumes are toxic), and the fam probably shouldn’t be eating there.

    All in all a great post of a modern day, ghetto/third world “general store”. Parallel Universe type of thing.

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