Beyond Motrin exists a pharmacy willing to go the extra mile in helping to treat the diseases other medical professionals consider to be “skippy-doo” or “not diseases”. Take a zipline to the Sixth Borough today and visit the Zaghaven Pharmacy. Not only is it old school, the pharmacist is mad old. If you’re going, be sure to eat a quart of ice cream. Eat it up fast, like a little pig, so that you get brain freeze, aka AN ICE CREAM HEADACHE. Man I get one of these every time I eat ice cream, which in the summer is every fifteen minutes. And that means my brain is always killing me.
Not to worry! At Zaghaven Pharmacy you can get these over-the-counter Ice Cream Pills. Some people say they work just as well as waiting for the Ice Cream Headache to wear off on its own but I say that the yellow ones taste like BANANA!