One thought on “Scrap Metal Cart

  1. My favorite thing about Junky Robots is that they’re always bleeping and blooping about having “lost” something. They’ll just put down all their robot-bogs and robot-boxes right there in the middle of the street and start going through all of their robot stuff. I also like how all Junky Robots sound the same — they all get with some inner whining peace module and start yakking in the same accent. Cons on Junky Robots are how they take too much time in Starbucks bathrooms and how they use too much heroin — well — Robot-Heroin.

    Oh you’ve never heard of Robot-Heroin? It comes on old 3.5 megabyte discs.

    You know how many 3.5 megabyte Robot-Heroin discs it takes to keep a Robot stoned? Well, I don’t really know either. But it’s a lot. And they need mad electricity to pull off the circuit surge.

    That’s why Sixth Borough Robots are always knocking over liquor stores and stealing bicycles.

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