Films I detest. By Sludsy.

My American fiend Barnabus, he’s a young snootrag whose been in lumbo only a few yearz ()((therefore is an idiot idiot idot idiot just tell him he’s an idot idiot) told me about this film”” Finalestircalortly or somethign like that… I had worn out my “Ice Skating: The Female Gr8s!” VHS tape, thanks to TV Heeed’s inability to clean his tape heads the scumy scumy scum bag, I decided to give it a shwhirl. Well, its a load of crap. crappidy crap crap crap. Little did I know that Turdibus was a foreign moviebuff. What an IDIOTT.  Reasons I hate this film: UNO. The movie is set in Russia. DEUX. It is in Russian. THREEO. The characters want to be human again Who cares!? AND FINALLLLY! What diZgussing horrible pigsz. NO ghost should EVER allow their sphectral garments to be souled like the underbellies of a sqaealing pig. It pains me to post to this image but as the most important voice on this blogged, and what with the irrelevunt toilet Frinkie and Rabbish post I felt I should put something tropical up. I have not been drinking since last nigh

8 thoughts on “Films I detest. By Sludsy.

  1. What is the wheelchair one fishing for?

    Also, your labeling skills leave a lot to be desired.

    BTW: I'm doing some teeth-related Instagram work, so I borrowed your toothbrush collection, I hope that's OK. Also, I lost them.

  2. If I had a dollar for every time you've left a post-it for me that said NICE TRY SONNY JIM, I'd have 6 kazillion dollars. How do you produce so many of those post-its? Have you hired some demon interns from limbo or something? Cause let me tell you: the handwriting and typos on those things are ATROCIOUS. Wait. Is Luca Da Gawd working for you? That would actually explain a lot.

  3. Pecos if you read this, Guthrie is Sudsy's supposed "cousin".

    But between you and me Guthrie is this weird 70's aftershave bottle that's shaped like the bust of Thomas Jefferson. Sudsy makes him float using his "Sixth Borough Ghost Powers" but he just uses fishlines, photoshop and after effects like the rest of this shloggo.

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