It seems to me like your face that’s you. Do you see yourself in the lower right hand corner? Caught red-handed pecking at a fallen nacho! What did we say about you eating off the ground, Mr. Parfenix? We might have had fun riding in the ambulance last year after you got that food poisoning (Mr. P thought he was having a heart attack) but the doctor said you gotta start focusing on your diet. 1. No more garbage. Stop eating them rags!! 2. No more poultry. It’s cannibalism. 3. No more sugar or alcohol. (I’m dying laughing right now.)
Looks dirty there.
Smelly too!
It seems to me like Broadieth.
It seems to me like your face that’s you. Do you see yourself in the lower right hand corner? Caught red-handed pecking at a fallen nacho! What did we say about you eating off the ground, Mr. Parfenix?
We might have had fun riding in the ambulance last year after you got that food poisoning (Mr. P thought he was having a heart attack) but the doctor said you gotta start focusing on your diet.
1. No more garbage. Stop eating them rags!!
2. No more poultry. It’s cannibalism.
3. No more sugar or alcohol. (I’m dying laughing right now.)
Damn, I thought Mr. P was the person hanging them self in the upper right window.
That’s too bad, I got excited for a second.
It seems to me like Blowhardieth.
Mr. Parfenix always cries when you comes to the blog.
mr parfenx is the lampost