REPOST: Santa Posse: The Many Faces of Claus and Those On His Lap

From my ever-growing collection of Santa photographs, here are 5 outstanding examples of the Big Guy in the world of photography.

Santa with Twins.  A moment of perfect weirdness in the world.

You can pretty much tell that this Santa was into being Santa.

Full flown terror, and this Santa is laughing.  The girl’s older brother is chilling though.

Detail of her hand reaching out, half her crying face, and half of Santa’s laughing face.

This little girl might have lost it, but unlike the one upstairs, she’s not struggling to get away.
It’s more like sadness, over terror, but she’s resigned herself to the tragedy.

This guy’s just trying to remember what he wants for Christmas.

A little blind girl feels Santa’s beard. 

He’s a good Santa, with top-of-the-line stick-on eyebrows.  They don’t wear those anymore.
Sometimes you catch them just wear the the beard AND moustache stuck under their chins.
Santas these days.

This girl seems a little older than the other screamers.

I just think it’s great how going to see Santa, which is supposed to be a magical and fun thing,
turns into a nightmare for some kids.  And they really feel it.  They don’t like it.
I think that this girl is more like, “What is this?  I don’t get it.”

I think his eyebrows are touched up with make-up.

I suppose they’re at the Post Office, but getting stamps from Santa seems pretty weak.
That’s probably why the girl is crying.

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