This place might have the lead on a dope apartment or two, but mostly they’ll just philosophize you right into renting a broom closet for 2000 bucks a month. Which isn’t so bad if you’re a wealthy broom. “No Mops!” read the ads on craigslist.com. “Dustpans welcomed.”  Remember, wearing a toga can be very comfortable. But it can also be very dangerous. You should really only wear a toga if you’re a bed, or if you work for that Pizza-Pizza place. I know a guy who wears a toga, but he’s a ghost.  Technically it’s not a toga, but then, neither is a toga — it’s just a sheet.  I looked under my ghost’s toga once and boy did he have a big piece of cheese hidden under there. It was enough cheese to feed a family of mice for seven years. No, I don’t have any wine to go with the cheese you little ingrates! The only thing worse than mice are rats and the only thing worse than rats are ghosts. Yes, I got my apartment through Socrates Realty Co.


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