If you’ve been watching Frankie’s Apartment for the last 11 or so years, you know that at one point, I (Frankie) made myself a newspaper pirate hat to wear in the studio and show everyone who was boss. But, since I manufactured the HAT out of a VERY SPECIAL and HARD-TO-FIND page of VINTAGE SUNDAY FUNNY PAPERS, something incredible happened. For a while, this Newspaper hat used to TRANSFORM me into a CARTOON, so that I could do talk show interviews and give BIG, HAMMY cartoon reactions. Basically it was so that my eyes could bug out of my head when people said something insane. After a while though, my “Cartoon Self” started appearing completely SEPARATELY from me. Like, he would join me at the breakfast table, or try sneaking into the bed with me and my wife.
He would just start to MANIFEST himself right from my HAT when I wasn’t using it. It was a SPIDER-MAN BLACK COSTUME situation all over again. The “magical funny papers” that I made the hat out of turned out to be a “symbiotic alien” of all things! A symbiotic alien that could communicate with me telepathically and take the form of whatever he wants! Unlike Spider-Man’s Black Costume (which later becomes the evil VENOM), my Cartoon-Self/Hat-Person-Alien is actually a WONDERFUL GUY. If anything, I’m the bad one and he’s the super-mensch.
Drawings by Jeffrey Roberts |
Drawings by Jeffrey Roberts |
Drawings by Jeffrey Roberts |