3 thoughts on “Tracks of the Elusive Eleven Train

  1. The Eleven Train is like the Seven Train mixed with the Monorail from Disneyland mixed with the Rollercoaster from that old Dungeons and Dragons cartoon mixed with every kid’s fantasy of a zipline system in the neighborhood.

    The Eleven Train is so elevated at points that people wear oxygen masks to get to work. The Eleven Train is finicky and likes to take different routes sometimes. The Eleven Train is female and used to date Thomas the Tank Engine.

    The dopest thing about the Eleven Train is that they serve popcorn, candy corn and corn-dogs in the dining car. There’s also a video game car.

    No, the Eleven Train is not like the one in Staten Island, or at least that’s what she says. She is sort of like it though except that she’s got the props to hit the other 5 boroughs if she’s in the mood.

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