9 thoughts on “My Heros: Johnny Morris. By Sudsy

  1. I saw Good the Bad the Ugly the other day and I thought it seemed better, hyper, more cartoony, and just more creative and exciting in general that it was COMPLETELY DUBBED. It had a fresher, storytelling feel to it. It's the best of it's kind, because most dub-pieces are brutal and flange you right OUT of the story. But Good-The-Bad is like Wizard of Oz.

    Dubbing is cool and should get more respect so that more people will do it.

  2. Pecos Dill – Are comments with"almost" in worth saying? Does the "almost" mean that the idiotic breath or demented key taps necessary are in fact UNNECESSARY.

    Rubbish – the BBC is like the Queen. Ne touche pas.

    Frankie – I have nothing to say.

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